If you’ve played here at the Lower Playfield before, you’re aware we’re not a large, open to the public spot. In fact, it’s our home, and we have (maybe) too many games, so space is at a premium. This leads to why we’re so particular about our registration process, having pre-registrations and waitlists, and carefully limiting the number of total registrants. We want you to come here and have a good time playing pinball; to be able to move to and from games without pushing past fellow competitors; and to do stuff like have a decent number of snacks and drinks for folks.

In 2024, we’re going to be announcing tournaments and registration dates further in advance than the past. We did not use the feature of IFPA in the past that required that pre-registration be 30 days from adding to the IFPA calendar, because we’re not strictly a preregistration required place. However, we misunderstood the intent there — ANY tournament with ANY pre-registration component has to be in the IFPA queue 30 days before pre-registration begins.

So, longer lead times for us, but shorter throws between registration and the tournament, so we’ll have that going for us. To make it easier for you, I’d still recommend joining the mailing list — we’ll notify you only when tournaments are announced, the day before registration opens, and with a direct registration link the day of (in case of website gremlins). You can join that list here.

Here’s to a fun filled 2024!

Categories: Updates


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